Monday, January 1, 2007

Shots, vaccines and violent nightmares

One of our first tasks in our preparations for India was to visit our doctors. Now, Leah has already traveled to India, Africa and other places where you would need, well, shots. Most of my travel has been in North America, so I've never had to worry about much.

For me, the list of shots and vaccines was pretty tame, I only had to get shots for Hep A and B (3 doses - now, in 1 months and again in 6 months), the rest of the vaccines are oral. The other vaccines were for Typhoid Fever and Malaria.

Sweet dreams...
I'm a little concerned about using Mefloquine to ward of malaria because I've heard about the violent nightmares as a side effect. Not only have I heard first hand accounts, but its listed as a potential side effect of the drug. Leah has recommended Malarone, but I haven't looked into it yet.

Leah said that after using Mefloquine on one of her trips that she was in bed for a week after her trip, plus she was paranoid the whole time. I don't know if I could deal with that kind of head trip in India, so I think I'll get a second opinion. If anyone has any advice, I'm all ears.

In the end I might just resort to a solid plan of Deet, long sleeves and staying indoors at dusk...

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